Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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3rd International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics

20 - 25 July


Topic: The Ontology of Physics

Physics is the science of physis, the Greek word for nature. But what does today's physics tell us about nature? To answer this question, the summer school will enquire into the ontology of physics. The need for an ontology is particularly evident in the ongoing debate about the interpretation of quantum physics. We will approach the problem of ontology both from a general philosophical perspective as well as by going into concrete proposals with respect to the most advanced physical theories. The topics covered include:

  • Philosophical introduction to ontology.
  • The ontology of classical and quantum physics.
  • The ontology of quantum field theory.
  • Entanglement and the quantum measurement problem.
  • The ontology of space and time.
  • The ontological status of laws of nature.

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