Talk: Sena Bozdag (Bayreuth)
Location: Ludwigstr. 31, ground floor, Room 021.
11.01.2024 at 16:00
Being Hyperintensional: Ways of Capturing Hyperintensional Content
Traditionally the content of a sentence is identified with its intension, which is determined as a set of possible worlds. Sentential modalities are then understood as expressing properties of intensions of sentences. Some modalities however create hyperintensional contexts, which call for sensitivity to epistemically relevant aspects of content that goes beyond intensions. Modalities that represent intentional mental states such as knowing, believing, and imagining are common examples. This talk shows that there are different ways of capturing hyperintensional content, as well as different characterisations of it. These differences are manifest in how this content interacts both with propositional and sentential operators. The focal points of the discussion are, what determines a hyperintensional logic, topic-transitivity, topic inclusion, and the notion of semantical opposition.