Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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Workshop on Counterfactuals and determinism

06.12.2024 15:00  – 18:00 

Idea & Motivation

This week’s session of the Research Seminar in Decision and Action Theory is replaced by a special mini-workshop on Friday 6 December, on “Counterfactuals and determinism”, featuring Richard Holton (Cambridge) and Barry Loewer (Rutgers). This mini-workshop is jointly organized with the Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics Chairs.



Time Speaker Title
15:15-16:30 Richard Holton (Cambridge) The Web of Determinism
16:30-16:45 Coffee break
16:45-18:00 Barry Loewer (Rutgers) A Conditional Probability Account of Counterfactuals



Barry Loewer: A Conditional Probability Account of Counterfactuals

Ever since Robert Stalnaker’s and David Lewis’ work on counterfactual conditionals in the 1960s their truth conditions have been understood as involving a similarity relation on possible worlds. This approach has encountered major difficulties. Recently a number of authors including Hajek, Fernandes, Leitgeb and myself have proposed a different approach based on conditional objective probabilities. In this paper I propose a new account based on objective probabilities deriving from statistical mechanics.



No registration is needed, but we will confirm the room ahead of the workshop.