Talk: Vanessa Seifert (Athens)
Location: Ludwigstr. 31, ground floor, Room 021.
08.01.2025 at 16:00
Chemical Reactions as Causal Relations
I consider whether chemical reactions can be understood as causalrelations by addressing two questions. First, what are the relata of thisputative relation, and second, what is the relation? With respect to thefirst question, I examine the role of thermodynamic conditions andcatalysis in the realisation of chemical reactions. Based on this, I pointout that it is not a straightforward matter to establish the relata ofthis putative relation because classic problems around causation arise.With respect to the second question, I employ Hall’s (2004) distinctionbetween causation as production and dependence. I consider which of thetwo is best supported in light of what we know about chemical reactionsfrom chemistry. In particular, I consider the role of reaction mechanismsand affinity tables and argue that these two features match better withthe idea of causation that is formulated by productive accounts. All inall, a non-Humean understanding of causation seems to fit better with howreactions are construed in chemistry; a surprising result if we considerhow such accounts of causation are regarded less in line with anaturalistic stance towards metaphysics.Hall, N. (2004). Two concepts of causation. In Causation andCounterfactuals Ed. by John Collins, Ned Hall, L. A. Paul. The MIT Press