Research Seminar in Decision and Action Theory: Katie Steele (Australian National University)
Location: Ludwigstr. 31, ground floor, Room 021.
17.04.2024 at 10:00
What the Demands of ‘Sustainability’ Cannot Be
based on joint work with Susumu Cato (University of Tokyo)
Since the goal of ‘sustainable development’ gained authority with the release of the Brundtland Report (WCED, 1987), various economists have sought to characterise the demands of sustainability as a constraint on the evaluation of social outcomes and/or choices. One popular characterisation refers to a model under which each generation has some level of well-being and makes a choice that affects the well-being of subsequent generations. The idea is that an admissible choice for the present generation is one that is compatible with a trans-generational series of choices (or a ‘pathway’) that yields non-declining well-being, should such a pathway be feasible (and minimally choice-worthy). There have been various important criticisms of this characterisation of the demands of sustainability. We argue here that the constraint has a more basic problem of consistency, in that it conflicts with ‘path independence’ (the choice correlate of ‘quasi-transitivity’). We go on to explore ‘ways out’ of the consistency problem, and in so doing illuminate some tensions between the other more substantive criticisms of this sustainability constraint.