Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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Mini-Workshop on Policy-Relevant Philosophy of Science

Location: Ludwigstr. 31, ground floor, Room 021.

05.02.2025 16:00  – 20:00 

Idea & Motivation:

This mini-workshop is a first step to discuss our work-in-progress on various policy-relevant issues in philosophy of science and on philosophical analyses of policy-relevant sciences (including health and climate science, the social sciences and economics, and perhaps also computer science and AI). The purpose of the workshop is to gather philosophers (of science) at the MCMP and LMU to explore the potential of such issues and to exchange ideas.


Ina Jäntgen (MCMP, LMU Munich)
Alexander Reutlinger (MCMP, LMU Munich)
Gabriel Tarziu (MCMP, LMU Munich)


LMU Munich
Ludwigstr. 31
Room 021


16:00-16:50 Ina Jäntgen: “A Distributive Injustice Challenge of Effect Size Measurement in Applied Science (Or: How Should We Measure Effect Sizes in a Way That is Just?)”
17:00-17:50 Alexander Reutlinger: “On Certainty and Revolutions in Science. Or: How to Rebut the Arguments of Strategic
Science Skeptics”
18:00-18:50 Gabriel Tarziu: “Climate Services and Climate Policies: How Different Is (Should) Decision-Support Science (Be) from Regular Science?”


Ina Jäntgen (MCMP, LMU Munich)
Alexander Reutlinger (MCMP, LMU Munich)
Gabriel Tarziu (MCMP, LMU Munich)