Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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Talk: Kevin Zollman (Carnegie Mellon)

Location: Prof.-Huber-Pl. 2 (W) / LEHRTURM-W401

26.06.2024 at 16:00 


Is 'scientific progress through bias' a good idea?


Some philosophers have argued for a paradoxical conclusion: that science advances because of the irrationality of scientists. That is, by combining epistemically inferior behavior on the part of individual scientists with a social structure that harnesses this irrationality, science can make progress faster than it could with more rational individuals. Through the use of a simple computational model, I show how this is indeed possible: biased scientists do better than an equivalent community which is unbiased. However, this model also illustrates that such communities are very fragile. Small changes in their social structure can move biased communities from being excellent to being abysmal.