Irvine-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg Network
The Irvine-Munich-PoliMi-Salzburg network in philosophy and foundations of physics aims at fostering the collaboration between faculty, researchers and students based in the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of California Irvine, the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, the Department of Mathematics and the META group at the Politecnico di Milano, and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Salzburg.
The activities of the network include the circulation of scholars among the four schools, as well as the organization of regular workshops on dedicated topics and an annual international conference for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. Throughout the joint application for external funding it also promotes the career development of young researchers coming from all around the world.
The local coordinators are Prof. Jim Weatherall in Irvine, Prof. Stephan Hartmann in Munich, Prof. Giovanni Valente in Milan, and Prof. Charlotte Werndl in Salzburg.