Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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CfP: Predicate Approaches to Modality

12 September 2014


Idea and Motivation

Predicate Approaches to modality are a viable alternative to the now standard operator approaches to modality. They allow for a uniform treatment of truth and the modal notions, are expressively rich and they fit in nicely with the relational analysis of propositional attitudes. The workshop is intended to further and foster research on predicate approaches to modality in philosophical and mathematical logic.

Topics and questions may include the following:

  • How should an adequate modal theory look like?
  • Axiomatic modal theories
  • Semantic modal theories.
  • How should or can we consistently combine modal theories to obtain multimodal theories?
  • Does the interaction of modal predicates create new phenomena such as paradoxes of interaction or greater expressive strength?
  • De re modality and predicate approaches to modality.
  • Can the expressive strength of the predicate approach be recovered within the operator approach?

Further Information: