Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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What Do You Want to Do With That? Answers from Philosophers Outside the Academy

23-24 October, 2015


Idea and Motivation

Philosophers are everywhere—in private industry, nonprofit organizations, government, the arts, and even universities. If ours is indeed the age of information, where knowledge is, as Fritz Machlup argued, itself an economic resource, it should come as no surprise to find philosophers thriving throughout all corners of society. What is surprising, and what this conference is conceived to respond to, is the degree to which philosophers inside the academy remain isolated from those outside of it.

This two-day conference brings together a distinguished group of philosophers who know of life inside and outside the academy, and who will share their insights and experiences navigating the transitions from one realm to another; what insights and experiences translate well, and which do not; and what habits and best practices the broader community of philosophers can and should adopt to create opportunities for philosophers at all stages of their careers, but especially for philosophy undergraduate and graduate students.

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