Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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Carnap's Aufbau (July 1 - 3, 2013)


Idea and Motivation

The workshop may cover all varieties of influences on Carnap’s seminal work, with the inclusion of the influences of Frege, Russell, Husserl, the neo-Kantians, Dilthey, and the Dilthey-school but also the influences of less well-known philosophers such as Vaihinger, Gätschenberger, Driesch, Dingler, and others.


Monday, July 1

Time Topic
09:15 Opening and Registration. 
Chair: Christian Damböck (University of Vienna)
09:45 Alan Richardson (UBC Vancouver):The Mathematical Core of the External World Problem: Carnap's Construction of the External World and Karl Gerhards's 'Der mathematische Kern der Aussenweltshypothese'
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Thomas Ryckman (Stanford University): What Carnap Might Have Learned from Weyl
12:45 Lunch Break
Chair: Alan Richardson (UBC Vancouver)
14:30 Christian Damböck (University of Vienna): The Notions of the Empirical and Objectivity in 19th Century German Philosophy and their Role for the Aufbau

Sébastien Gandon (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand): Wiener and Carnap: a Missed Opportunity

16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Thomas Uebel (University of Manchester): Neurath and Carnap’s Aufbau

Tuesday, July 2

Time Topic
Chair: Thomas Uebel (University of Manchester)
09:00 Paul Ziche (University of Utrecht): Theories of Order in Carnap's Aufbau
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Matthias Neuber (University of Tübingen): The Aufbau and the Early Schlick
12:00 Thomas Meier (LMU Munich): Discussing the Influences on Carnap’s Structuralism in the Aufbau
12:45 Lunch Break
Chair: Thomas Ryckman
14:30 Thomas Mormann (University of San Sebastian): Reconstructing influences: the Case of Southwest Neo-Kantianism and Lebensphilosophie in Carnap’s Aufbau
15:45 Elena Tatievskaya (University of Augsburg): “Gätschenberger on the ‘Given’ and Carnap’s Aufbau”
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Andre Carus (Hegeler Institute): Carnap and Phenomenology: What Happened in 1924

Wednesday, July 3

Time Topic
Chair: Thomas Mormannn (University of San Sebastian)
09:00 Hans-Joachim Dahms (University of Vienna): Rudolf Carnap and Wilhelm Ostwald
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Clinton Tolley (UC San Diego): The Development of Carnap's Views on Logic up to the Aufbau
12:00 Lunch Break
Chair: Graciela De Pierris (Stanford University)
14:00 Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock (University of Puerto Rico): The Old Husserl and the Young Carnap
15:15 Iulian Toader (University of Bucharest): Quasianalytic Individuation
16:00 Coffee Break
17:00 Michael Friedman (Stanford University): From Intuition to Tolerance in Carnap's Philosophy of Mathematics
19:00 Joint Conference Dinner for “Influences on the Aufbau” and “Carnap on Logic”


The workshop is funded by the MCMP (LMU Munich) and the Institute Vienna Circle (University of Vienna). The workshop is part of a research project on Rudolf Carnap and Wilhelm Dilthey, which is funded by the FWF (research grant P24615); research assistant: Christian Damböck, duration: April 1 2012 until March 31 2015.