Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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1-Year Postdoctoral Position (full time) at the MCMP


The Chair of Philosophy of Science (Prof. Dr. Stephan Hartmann) and the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) in the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Study of Religion is seeking applications for

1-year postdoctoral position
(full time)

starting on October 1, 2022 (or earlier).

The appointee will be expected to have a background in philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, and physics and will work on the project "The Universe as an Open System”. The project is funded by the German Research Council (DFG) and conducted together with a group at the University of Bristol around Prof. James Ladyman and Dr. Karim Thébault. This project seeks to (i) provide new formal and conceptual tools to understand both the universe and our place in it, (ii) evaluate the motivations and implications of the idea of the universe as an open system, (iii) characterize openness in three important physical contexts via a detailed study of the appropriate mechanisms, (iv) demonstrate that these mechanisms can be linked together by considering the role of epistemic agents as an information processing system embedded within a universe and weakly coupled to a measuring apparatus and the rest of the environment, and (v) defend the ontological claim that universe is an open system in a limited and precise sense.

The successful candidate will have:

  • a PhD in philosophy
  • carried out research in the relevant areas

Your workplace is centrally located in Munich and is very easy to reach by public transport. We offer you an interesting and responsible job with good training and development opportunities.
The position is remunerated with a full-time employment contract under the German TV-L E13 salary scheme (conditions apply). We also provide funds to cover costs to attend some workshops and conferences. The position is limited to September 30, 2023. Furthermore, given equal qualification, severely physically challenged applicants will be preferred. There is the possibility of part-time employment. The application of women is strongly welcome.

Applications (including a cover letter, a CV, a list of publications, a list of taught courses, a sample of written work of no more than 5000 words, and a description of a planned research project which is suitable for German or European funding agencies of 1000-1500 words) should be sent by email until 10 March 2022 as a single PDF document (ideally of no more than 5 MB and with the name yourlastname.pdf) to the following address:

Additionally, two confidential letters of recommendation addressing the applicant's qualifications for academic research should be sent to the same address from the referees directly.

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Stephan Hartmann (

More information about the MCMP can be found at

The German description of the position is available at