Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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Casini, Lorenzo

Dr. Lorenzo Casini

External Member (Geneva)

Further Information

I obtained a PhD in philosophy at the University of Kent in 2013. In autumn 2011, I was visiting fellow at the Tilburg Institute for Logic and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS). In 2012, I was a DAAD research grant holder and research fellow in the ANR-DFG project CAUSAPROBA, both at the University of Konstanz. From January 2013 until February 2014 I was postdoctoral research fellow at the MCMP, LMU Munich. In March 2014 I took up a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in the Sinergia project Grounding. Metaphysics, Science and Logic at the University of Geneva.

Research Interests

My main research interests are in general philosophy of science (causality, scientific explanation), complex systems (systems biology and computational economics), philosophy of the social sciences, philosophy of language (inferentialism), and epistemology (Bayesianism, scientific reasoning).