Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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Freiesleben, Timo

Timo Freiesleben, M.A.

External Member (University of Tübingen)


Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Cluster of Excellence – Machine Learning for Science
72074 Tübingen


Further Information

I am a Ph.D. student at the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stephan Hartmann. Before that, I obtained a B.Sc. in Mathematics from the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen and an M.A. in Logic and Philosophy of Science at the MCMP/LMU Munich, where, next to my other studies I also took courses in computer science. During my Bachelors, I have spent one year at the University of Oslo.

Research Interests

My PhD project focuses on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) and aims overall at making the decisions of modern machine learning algorithms more transparent to human agents. I am interested in giving a (formal) framework for XAI that is built on a solid philosophical and psychological basis. In particular, I want to research counterfactual explanations. My more narrow goal is to develop bio-inspired formal models to generate counterfactual explanations for the decisions of black box algorithms. My broader philosophical interests include (group) decision making (under uncertainty), causality & explanation, philosophy & ethics of AI, foundations of statistics, and theories of computation.