Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie
und Religionswissenschaft
Lehrstuhl für Logik und Sprachphilosophie
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D-80539 München
Ludwigstr. 31
Room 122
D-80539 München
- CV, Di Liscia Daniel A. (Mai 2020) (234 KByte)
- Interview in the magazine Ñ (Diario Clarín) (432 KByte)
Further Information
Daniel A. Di Liscia studied philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires with a specialization in the history of late medieval and early modern philosophy (1989). With support first from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and later from the Antorchas Foundation, he completed his Ph. D. at the LMU München (summa cum laude). After three years of collaboration at the Munich Copernicus Edition, he came to the Kepler-Kommission in the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, where he worked for six years, the final four as “Wissenschaftlicher Leiter”.
Research Interests
Daniel A. Di Liscia’s research interest is the history of philosophy and science from late medieval to early modern times. His focus lies on two branches of research: the history of Renaissance cosmology, especially in connection with Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, and the tradition of the “calculators”. The background for both subjects is the same: the late Aristotelian tradition in logic, epistemology and, above all, natural philosophy.
- Late medieval history of logic and philosophy of language: theory of “consequentiae”; syllogistic and concept of deduction in medieval logic and mathematics. Late medieval physics: quantification of motion and qualities within the Aristotelian framework, nature and motion, continuum and infinite; latitude of forms and “configurations doctrine” (Jacob of Naples, Nicole Oresme, Biagio Pelacani da Parma). Humanistic criticism of calculators (Juan Luis Vives). The quantification of Aristotelian metaphysics and the perfection of species (Nicholas of Amsterdam, John of Wesel, Jacques Legrand).
- Early modern cosmology and history of science: Gravity in Copernicus and Kepler; Kepler on pneumatics; mathematics and metrology in Kepler; the late Aristotelian Tradition and the new cosmology; Renaissance epistemology (the “middle sciences”, regressus demonstrativus and the kind of scientific proofs). Joachim Jungius and late Aristotelianism. Logic-mathematical approaches in traditional philosophical and scientific works (Richard Swineshead, Jean Buridan, Nicole Oresme, Albert of Saxony; Galileo Galilei).
Further Activities in Research and Teaching
Daniel A. Di Liscia remains active as a referee for several journals and international research foundations. In 2007, he was appointed associate member of the “Centro de Estudios Filosóficos Eugenio Pucciarelli (Sección Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia)” of the Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires. In 2008, he co-organised at Strasbourg (together with E. Mehl, Université Marc Bloch) the international conference: “Physique, métaphysique, physique céleste Autour de l’Astronomia Nova de Johannes Kepler (1609)”. During 2009-2010, he participated in the Project EEDA (“Une Époque en Édite une Autre”) at the University of Nantes, France (Direction of the Project by Prof. E. Barbin and Prof. G. Stenger). He is collaborating member of Instituto de Filosofia, in the area of Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy of the University of Porto and participates in the project located at the same institute "From Data to Wisdom". Di Liscia is member of the international advisory board of the CNERU (Cordoba Near East Research Unit). During May 2018 he organised the international conference at the MCMP "Quantifying Aristotle. The Impact, Spread and Decline of the Calculatores Tradition".
Di Liscia has presented papers at universities across Europe and the Americas, during 2017/19 in: Buenos Aires, Rosario, La Plata, Chieti, Córdoba (Spain), München, Paris, Porto, Tours and Wien.
Since the very beginning of his career, Di Liscia has connected his research work with teaching activities. As a lecturer, he has led courses regularly since 2003 on Renaissance cosmology and various other topics concerning the tradition of the “calculatores” at the Renaissance Institute of the LMU and at MCMP. In addition, Di Liscia was a visiting professor at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Paris/Diderot (France) and at the Universities of Tres de Febrero and Buenos Aires (Argentina). Thanks to ERASMUS-support he could present the main results of his research work at the university of Chieti/Pescara and at the university of Córdoba (Spain). He regularly holds a reading group of classical texts on Ancient and Medieval philosophy, currently on Aristotle’s Metaphysics (
After the project “From a logic-mathematical standpoint: Richard Swineshead and the calculatores tradition”, (funded by LMU Munich’s Institutional Strategy within the framework of the German Excellence Initiative), Di Liscia started his project “Die Geometrisierung der Metaphysik im Spätmittelalter: Jacobus de Neapoli und die Tradition De perfectione specierum” (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). In his current project “Integration und Transformation in der spätmittelalterlichen Naturphilosophie: Jacques Legrands aristotelisches Compendium utriusque philosophie”, he is preparing an edition this late medieval text on natural philosophy and metaphysics (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft In 2017 he published a paper about it, “The Subject Matter of Physics and Metaphysics in Jacques Legrand's Compendium utriusque philosophie”, in: Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, 24 (2017), pp. 247-263. Two further contributions on the Compendium have since appeared, one included in the special of the Revista Española de Filosofía, Special Issue N° 29/1 (2022) which will contain the papers presented at conference The Concept of Motion in Late Medieval Philosophy.
He is co-editor together with Sabine Rommevaux-Tani of the volume Vol. 3.1: Histoire de l’astronomie et de la physique I. Antiquité et Moyen-Âge of the major work to be edited under the supervision of Jean-Claude Dupont (Iste, Encyclopédie des Sciences, Domaine “Historie des Sciences” and
Many of my papers are available online.
Edition /Co-edition / Cooperation:
- 2022, Daniel A. Di Liscia (ed.), The concept of Motion in Late Medieval Philosophy. Revista Española de Filosofiía, Special Issue No 29/1.
- 2022, Daniel A. Di Liscia, Edith D. Sylla (Hg.), Quantifying Aristotle. The Impact, Spread and Decline of the Calculatores Tradition. Leiden: Brill [Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy and Science, ed. by Ch. Lüthy and P. J.J.M. Bakker], in collaboration with P. J.J.M. Bakker.
- 2013, Paul Ziche, Petr Rezvykh (cooperation by D. A. Di Liscia), Sygkepleriazein. Schelling und die Kepler-Rezeption im 19. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart, Germany: Verlag frommann-holzboog, [Schellingiana 21].
- 2009, Friderike Boockmann, Daniel A. Di Liscia, Johannes Kepler. Gesammelte Werke, vol. XXI.2.1. Manuscripta Astrologica – Manuscripta Pneumatica, München: Beck Verlag.
- 2005, Friederike Boockmann, Daniel A. Di Liscia, Hella Kothmann (eds.), Miscellanea Kepleriana. Festschrift für Volker Bialas zum 65. Geburtstag, Augsburg: Dr. Erwin Rauner Verlag, 2005 (v + 331 pp.) [Algorismus. Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, hrsg. v. Menso Folkerts, Bd. 47].
- 2005, 06, 07, Roland Z. Bulirsch, Daniel A. Di Liscia, “Berichte der Kepler-Kommission”, Berichte der Kepler-Kommission 15-21 (15-21), München: Eigenverlag.
- 1997, Daniel A. Di Liscia, Eckhard Kessler, Charlotte Methuen (eds.), Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature. The Aristotle Commentary Tradition, Aldershot – Brookfield – Singapore – Sidney: Ashgate, (vii + 409 pp.).
- 1993, Silvia Magnavacca, Claudia D´Amico, Daniel A. Di Liscia, Antonio Tursi, Cuatro Aspectos de la Crisis filosofófica del Siglo XIV. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Patristica et Medievalia.
See also research contributions in collaboration with: A. Panzica, A. Szapiro, J. Legris, and S. Ebbersmeyer and popular scientific articles in collaboration with F. Boockmann, P. Bussotti, G. Oestmann.
Ph. Dissertation:
2003/10, Daniel A. Di Liscia, Zwischen Geometrie und Naturphilosophie. Die Entwicklung der Formlatitudenlehre im deutschen Sprachraum (vii + 467 pp.), published as microfiche (München, Universitätsbibliothek, sign.: 0001/UMC 18387).
Research contributions:
- 2022, Daniel A. Di Liscia (ed.), The Concept of Motion in Late Medieval Philosophy. Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, Special Issue No 29/1. Introd. by D. A. Di Liscia pp. 11-14.
- 2022, “The Concept of Motion in Jacques Legrand’s Philosophical Compendium”. Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, Special Issue No 29/1, pp. 199-233,
- 2022: “Introduction” to: Daniel A. Di Liscia, Edith D. Sylla (eds.), Quantifying Aristotle …, pp 1–19.
- 2022, In collaboration with Aurora Panzica, “The Writings of Nicole Oresme: a Systematic Inventory”, in: Traditio 77, pp. 235-375.
- 2022, "Representing Perfections, Latitudes, Qualities and Motions", in J. Higuera et. al (eds.), From Wisdom to Data. Philosophical Atlas on Visual Representations of Knowledge, UPP, Porto, 2022, pp. 125-132; imgs. pp. 72-74.
- 2022, “Euclídeo, moderno, tradicional: el rol de la lengua alemana en Johannes Kepler”, in: C. Catalina, J. Higuera, J. Meirinhos, J. L. Villacañas (eds.), El diálogo de las lenguas, Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor. Forthcoming.
- 2022, Eine Wiener Expositio zum Tractatus de latitudinibus formarum. Edition und Kommentar. Quelleneditionen des Österreichischen Instituts für Geschichtsforschung. Bd. 20. Wien: Böhlau Verlag. 210pp.
- 2022, “Perfections and Latitudes. The Development of the Calculators’ Tradition and the Geometrisation of Metaphysics and Theology”, in: Daniel A. Di Liscia, Edith D. Sylla (eds.), Quantifying Aristotle. See before “Co-edition / Cooperation:”. pp 278-327.
- 2022, “Transmutación y movimiento según el tiempo en Jacques Legrand (Compedium utriusque philosophie IV, 1-2)”, in: C. J. Fernández / M. Pérez Carrasco (eds.), Per philosophica documenta. Estudios en honor de Francisco Bertelloni, Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, U.B.A. [Colección Saberes], pp. 151-174.
- 2020, In collaboration with Aníbal Szapiro, “Nicolás de Oresme y la rotación de la Tierra. Estudio con traducción íntegra del Livre du ciel et du monde II.25 en el que Oresme expone sus argumentos”, in: Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, 4(2), pp. 73-101.
- 2019, “Biagio Pelacani da Parma’s Geometrisation of Latitudes and the Problems of the Mean Degree Theorem”, in: Joël Biard, Aurélien Robert (eds.), La philosophie de Blaise de Parme. Physique, psychologie, éthique: Firenze: SISMEL - Editioni del Galluzo, pp. 129-152.
- 2019, “The Questions on the Metaphysics attributed to Johannes Rucherart de Wesalia (A Textual Analysis)”, in: Filosofia. Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto 36, pp. 4-18.
- 2018, “La conclusio pulchra, mirabilis et bona: una ingeniosa demostración atribuible a Nicole Oresme”, in: Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos 37, pp. 139-168.
- 2018, “Breakings and Continuities: The Fourteenth Century and Galileo’s Impetus Theory as a Complex Case of Conceptual and Historical Transmission”, in: Charles Burnett, Pedro Mantas España (eds.), Spreading Knowledge in a Changing World: Spreading Knowledge in a Changing World, London – Córdoba: UCO Press, pp. 175-201 [Arabica Veritas 3].
- 2017, “La 'latitud de las formas' y la geometrización de la ciencia del movimiento”, in: Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos 36, pp. 75-114.
- 2017, “The Subject Matter of Physics and Metaphysics in Jacques Legrand’s Compendium utriusque philosophie”, in: Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 24, pp. 249-265.
- 2016, “The ‘Latitudines breves’ and Late Medieval University Teaching”, SCIAMVS 17, pp. 55-120.
- 2016, In collaboration with Javier Legris: “Carl Prantl y la historia de la lógica de la investigación científica: Una traducción anotada de su conferencia Galileo y Kepler como lógicos”, in: Scientiæ Studia 24, pp. 249-265.
- 2015, “Der Kommentar des Johannes Rucherat de Wesalia zur aristotelischen Physik: Seine Bedeutung und Überlieferung”, in: Codices manuscripti et impressi 99 (100), pp. 9-29.
- 2014, “A tract De maximo et minimo according to Albert of Saxony”, in: SCIAMVS 15, pp. 57-104.
- 2014, “El Tractatus de maximo et minimo según Albert von Sachsen en el manuscrito H 65 [580] de la Biblioteca Comunale Augusta de Perugia”, in: Studium philosophiae. Textos en homenaje a Silvia Magnavacca, pp. 141-61. Buenos Aires: Editorial Rhesis.
- 2011, “Johannes Kepler”, in: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta (ed.), first publ. 2011 (substantive correction 2015; minor corrections 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021).
- 2009, “Kepler’s A Priori Copernicanism in his Mysterium Cosmographicum”, in: M. A. Granada, E. Mehl (eds.), Nouveau ciel, Nouvelle terre. L’astronomie copernicienne dans l’Allemagne de la Réforme (1530–1630), Paris: Belles Lettres, [collection l’Âne d’Or], pp. 283-317.
- 2009, “Johannes Kepler, Manuscripta Pneumatica (Edition und Kommentar)”, Johannes Kepler. Gesammelte Werke, vol. XXI.2.1, München: Beck Verlag, pp. 512-47; pp. 667-691.
- 2008, “Walter Burley, Paulus Venetus und die Tradition De instanti (mit dem Tractatus de instanti des Paulus Venetus nach Hs. Florenz, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, II. IV. 553, ff. 68va– 69va)”, in: Andreas Speer, David Wirmer (eds.), Das Sein der Dauer, Berlin – New York: De Gruyter, pp. 123-150 [Miscellanea Mediaevalia 34].
- 2008, In collaboration with Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, “Gaetano da Thienes Quaestio de perpetuitate intellectus”, in: Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Helga Pirner-Pareschi, Thomas Ricklin, (eds.), Sol et homo. Mensch und Natur in der Renaissance. Festschrift für Eckhard Keßler zum 70. Geburtstag, München: Wilhelm Fink, pp. 155-193.
- 2007, “Kalkulierte Ethik: Vives und die ‚Zerstörer‘ der Moralphilosophie (Le Maistre, Cranston und Almain)”, in: Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Eckhard Keßler (eds.), Ethik: Wissenschaft oder Lebenskunst? Modelle der Normenbegründung von der Antike bis zur frühen Neuzeit, Münster: Lit-Verlag, pp. 75-105.
- 2007, “Excerpta de uniformitate et difformitate: Una compilación físico–matemática en Ms. Paris, Bl. de l’Arsenal, Lat. 522 hasta ahora desconocida”, in: Patristica et Mediaevalia 27, pp. 1-28.
- 2007, “El concepto de causalidad y el desarrollo de una teoría cosmológica en Johannes Kepler”, in: Anales de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires XL/(2) (2007), pp. 725-753.
- 2005, “Copernicanische Notizen und Exzerpte in einer Handschrift des Zeitgenossen von Kepler, Johannes Broscius”, in: Friederike Boockmann, Daniel A. Di Liscia, Hella Kothmann (eds.), Miscellanea Kepleriana. Festschrift für Volker Bialas zum 65. Geburtstag, Augsburg: Dr. Erwin Rauner Verlag, 2005 (v + 331 pp.) [Algorismus. Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, hrsg. v. Menso Folkerts, Bd. 47], pp. 107-127.
- 2002, “Operosum negotium: Jungius’ doxoskopische Betrachtung des Aristotelismus von Zabarella”, in: Gregorio Piaia (ed.), La presenza dell'aristotelismo padovano nella filosofia della prima modernita: Atti del Colloquio internazionale in memoria di Charles B. Schmitt (Padova, 4-6 settembre 2000), Roma – Padua: Antenore, pp. 219-262.
- 2001, “Die fallenden Körper und die Rätsel des Domingo de Soto”, in: M. Segre / E. Knobloch (eds.), Der ungebändigte Galilei. Beiträge zu einem Symposion, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag [Sudhoff Archiv Beihefte 44], pp. 9-22.
- 2001,“ ‘El libro encadenado‘: Eine Sammelhandschrift naturphilosophischer Schriften von Jean Buridan (Ms. Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional 342R)”, in: Vivarium 39/1, pp. 52-86.
- 2001, “Der von Amplonius Rattinck dem Oresme zugeschriebene Tractatus de terminis confundentibus und dessen verschollene Handschrift (Hs. Pommersfelden, Graf von Schönborn Schloßbibliothek, 236 [2858])”, in: Traditio 56, pp. 89–108.
- 1997, “Velocidad quo ad effectus y velocidad quo ad causas: la tradición de los calculadores y la metodología aristotélica”, in: Daniel A. Di Liscia, Eckhard Kessler, Charlotte Methuen (eds.), Method and Order in Renaissance Philosophy of Nature. The Aristotle Commentary Tradition, Aldershot – Brookfield – Singapore – Sidney: Ashgate, pp. 143-176.
- 1996, “Die fallenden Körper und die Rätsel des Domingo de Soto”, in: Michael Segre, Eberhard Knobloch (eds.), Der ungebändigte Galilei. Beiträge zu einem Symposion, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 9-22.
- 1993, “Aceleración y caída de los graves en Oresme. Sobre la inaplicabilidad del teorema de la velocidad media: Parte II”, in: Patristica et Mediaevalia 14, pp. 41-56.
- 1992, “Aceleración y caída de los graves en Oresme. Sobre la inaplicabilidad del teorema de la velocidad media: Parte I”, Patristica et Mediaevalia 13 (68), pp. 61-84.
- 1992, “Definición y mensura del movimiento: Dos perspectivas de la filosofía natural escolástica en Nicolás de Oresme”, in: Silvia Magnavacca, Claudia D´Amico, Daniel A. Di Liscia, Antonio Tursi, Cuatro Aspectos de la Crisis filosofófica del Siglo XIV. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Patristica et Medievalia, pp. 35-52.
- 1992, “Dos empleos del concepto de impetus en la caída de los graves: el De motu de Galileo y el siglo XIV”, in: Revista de Filosofia 7/1, pp. 3-25.
- 1991, “La conceptualización del tiempo y la temporalización de los conceptos. A propósito de una publicación reciente sobre la noción de tiempo en Nicolás de Estrasburgo y su contexto histórico-cultural”, in: Patristica et Mediaevalia 12, pp. 69-77.
- 1990, “Sobre la doctrina de las configurationes de Nicolás de Oresme”, in: Patristica et mediaevalia 11, pp. 79-105.
Introductory presentations, encyclopedia entries, and popular scientific articles:
- 2020, “Johannes Kepler”, in: Frühe Neuzeit in: Deutschland 1620–1720 Literaturwissenschaftliches Verfasserlexikon (VL 17), Forthcoming.
- 2015, “Keplers kosmologische Revolution und die Entfaltung des Raumes in der Spätrenaissance”, in: kunstpapiere # (Schafhof - Europäisches Künstlerhaus Oberbayern) 4, pp. 3-24.
- 2011, “Johannes Kepler”, in: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (edition Fall 2019), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, first publ. 2011 (substantive correction 2015; 2016, 2017, 2019, minor corrections).
- 2009, “Johannes Kepler”, in: Stefan Jordan, Burkhard Mojsisch (eds.), Philosophenlexikon, Stuttgart: Reclam, 295-97.
- 2008, in collaboration with Friederike Boockman, Paolo Bussotti and Günther Oestmann, in: “Nicht das Kindt mit dem Badt ausschütten. Zur Rolle einer Pseudowissenschaft im Zeitalter der wissenschaftlichen Revolution: Die Astrologie bei Johannes Kepler, Heinrich Rantzau und Galileo Galilei”, Akademie Aktuell, pp. 51-60.
- 2007, “Johannes Kepler, Meister der scientiae mediae. Ein Forschungsseminar über wissenschaftshistorische Anknüpfungspunkte zwischen Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit”, in: Akademie Aktuell, pp. 56-62.
- 2005, “ ... der meine Lieb zu Kepler wendete. Schelling und die Ausgabe der Werke Keplers”, AkademieAktuell, pp. 26-29.
- 2001, “Agostinismo e Aristotelismo”, in: John North, Robert Halleux (eds.), Storia della Scienza (9 vols.), Bd. 4: Medioevo, Rinascimento, chapter 17, Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, pp. 293-308.
Books reviews:
- 2016, Review of: P. D' Alessandro, P. D. Napolitani, Archimede Latino. Iacopo da San Cassiano e il Corpus Archimedeo alla metà del Quattrocento. Con edizione della Circuli dimensio e della Quadratura parabolae, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2012, in: Archives internationales d’ Histoire des sciences 66, pp. 254-256.
- 2015, Review of: Werner Diederich, Der harmonische Aufbau der Welt: Keplers wissenschaftliches und spekulatives Werk, Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 2914, in: Renaissance Quarterly 68/4, pp. 137-139.
- 2010, “Text, Context, and Conflict in Early Modern Cosmology”. Essay review of: Nicholas Jardine,Alain-Philippe Segonds, Review of La Guerre des Astronomes: La querelle au sujet de l'origine du système géo-hèliocentrique à la fin du XVIe siècle, Paris: Belles Lettres, 2008, 3 vols., in: ISIS 101, pp. 615-617.
- 2008, Review of: Egbert P. Bos, Logica modernorum in Prague about 1400. The sophistria disputations 'quoniam quatuor' (Ms. Cracow, Jagiellonian Library 686, ff. 1ra- 79rb), with a partial reconstruction of Thomas of Cleves’ Logica, Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2004, in: Patristica et Mediaevalia 27, pp. 146-147.
- 1997, Review of: Carlos Arthur R. do Nascimento, De Tomás de Aquino a Galileu, Campinas: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, 1995 [Coleção Trajetória 2], in: Patristica et medievalia 18, pp. 105-112.
- 1997, Review of: Stefano Caroti, Nel Segno di Galileo. Erudizione, filosofia e scienza a Firenze nel secolo XVII: I “Trattati accadeimici” di Vincenzio Capponi. Appendice di G. Alessandri e M. L. Migliore, Firenze: Ed. Per SPES, 1993, in: ISIS 88, pp. 142-143.
- 1996, Review of: Rolf Schönberger, Repertorium edierter Texte des Mittelalters aus dem Bereich der Philosophie und angrenzender Gebiete, Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, in: Patristica et Mediaevalia 17, pp. 80-82.
- 1996, Review of: Aristoteles Latine. Interpretibus variis. Ed. Academia Regia Borussica, Berlin 1831, Nachdruck hg. u. eingel. von Eckhard Keßler, München: Fink, 1995, in: Patristica et medievalia 17, pp. 77-81.
- 1991, Review of: Richard C. Dales, Omar Argerami, Medieval Latin Texts on The Eternity of the World, Leiden – New York, e.a.: Brill, 1991 [Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History 23], in: Patristica et medievalia 12, pp. 89-90.
- 1988, Review of: Leonard A. Kennedy (ed.), Thomistic Papers III, Houston, Texas: Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, 1987, in: Patristica et medievalia 9, pp. 111-112.
- 1987, Review of: Jean Duns Scot. Traité du premier principe (Tractatus de primo principio), traduit du latin, sous la direction de Ruedi Imbach, par Jean-Daniel Cavigioli, Jean-Marie Meilland, François-Xavier Putallaz, Cahiers de la Revue de théologie et de philosophie, no 10, Lausanne, 1983, in: Patristica et medievalia 8, pp. 116-117.