Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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Milano, Silvia

Dr. Silvia Milano

Humboldt Fellow


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Silvia is a Huboldt Fellow in the MCMP and a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Exeter (UK). Her research interests are in Epistemology and Ethics of AI. Her recent work has focused on AI and epistemic injustice, the ethical challenges of recommender systems, polarisation on social networks, and the impacts of LLMs on education. She is currently developing a philosophical analysis of recommender systems, encompassing their social, epistemological, and ethical dimensions.

Silvia was previously Golding Junior Research Fellow at Brasenose College and Research Fellow in Philosophy of AI at the Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford (2020-2022), and Postdoctoral Researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute (2018-2020). She obtained a PhD in Philosophy from the London School of Economics and Political Science under the supervision of Prof. Christian List and Prof. Anna Mahtani, with a thesis on the epistemology of de se beliefs. Before this, she completed an MA and BA in Philosophy at the University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy.

For more information on Silvia's research and publications, see her personal website: