Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie
und Religionswissenschaft
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D-80539 München
Ludwigstraße 31 Rgb,
Lehrstuhl für Philosophie IV (Prof. Nida-Rümelin)
- CV (153 KByte)
Further Information
Born in Munich, I studied at LMU (and for a short time at Konstanz) philosophy, logics, sociology and psychology. I earned the Dr.phil in 1991 with a thesis in philosophy of mind. After working for several years as research assistant at Bielefeld University, I returned to Munich as assistant professor. Habilitation at LMU in 2004. Afterwards I worked as guest professor at the universities of Bayreuth, Freiburg i.B. and Chemnitz and as assistant professor and Privatdozent at the LMU philosophy faculty. Affiliated to the MCMP since beginning of 2012, otherwise connected to the chair of political philosophy (Lehrstuhl IV) at the faculty.
Research Interests
My research interests concern mainly foundational issues in practical philosophy: theories of justice, contractualist justification procedures, all branches of the theory of rational choice (decision theory, game theory and social choice theory) in general and in their application to questions of practical philosophy. Other central research interests adress conceptions of collective intentionality. Besides, I am very interested in philosophy of probability, questions of formal epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of economics. Historically, I focus on the tradition of social contract theory.
Further Activities
I am assistant editor of the Theory and Decision Library Series A at Springer publishers, have organized a DAAD-funded cooperation of the Munich Lehrstuhl IV with Prof. Raimo Tuomela and his research group at Helsinki, and worked as Co-Organizer for the 6th Decision Games and Logic workshop at MCMP in summer 2012.
Selected Publications
Recent Publications
Rechenauer, Martin
Aggregation ist doch möglich – Lektionen für philosophische Gerechtigkeitstheorien
Rechenauer, Martin
Soziale Marktwirtschaft und Gerechtigkeit. Eine Perspektive aus der Philosophie
In: Vanberg, Viktor J. (eds.): Marktwirtschaft und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Tübingen: Mohr -
Rechenauer, Martin
On Sen's Idea of a Theory of Justice
XXII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, 11. - 15. September 2011, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (full text available) -
Rechenauer, Martin
On the Non-equivalence of Weak and Strict Preference
In: Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 56, No. 3: pp. 386 - 388