Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie
und Religionswissenschaft
Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftstheorie
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München
Ludwigstr. 31
Room 129
80539 München
- CV, Weinberger Naftali (November 2021) (152 KByte)
Further Information
Naftali Weinberger is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2015 and has previously done research at the Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science and the Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics, and Philosophy of Science.
Research Interests
Naftali uses recently developed causal modeling methods to address foundational questions concerning causal inference and explanation. He has written about the role of causation in a wide range of sciences including: population genetics, psychometrics, neuroscience, and economics. He currently has an ongoing project regarding causation in dynamical systems as well as a separate project on causally modeling discrimination.
- Weinberger, N. and Allen, C. (Forthcoming) “Static-Dynamic Hybridity in Dynamical Models of Cognition”
Philosophy of Science. - Weinberger, N. (Forthcoming) “Comparing Pearl and Rubin’s Causal Modeling Frameworks: A Commentary on Markus (2021)” Economics and Philosophy. (Accepted October 29, 2021)
- Weinberger, N. (2021) “Intervening and Letting Go: On the Adequacy of Equilibrium Causal Models”
Erkenntnis. Doi: - Weinberger, N. (2020) “Near-Decomposability and the Time-Scale Relativity of Causal Representations”
Philosophy of Science, 87 pp. 841–856. - Weinberger, N. and Bradley, S. (2020) “Making Sense of Non-Factual Disagreement in Science”
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, vol. 83 pp. 36-43. Doi: - Weinberger, N. (2019) “Reintroducing Dynamics into Static Causal Models” in Time and Causality Across the Sciences (Cambridge University Press) Kleinberg, Samantha (ed.)
- Weinberger, N. (2017). Path-specific effects. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 70(1), 53-76.
- Colombo, M., & Weinberger, N. (2018). Discovering Brain Mechanisms Using Network Analysis and Causal Modeling. Minds and machines, 28(2), 265-286.
- Weinberger, N. (2018). Faithfulness, coordination and causal coincidences. Erkenntnis, 83(2), 113-133.
- Weinberger, N. (2019). Mechanisms without mechanistic explanation. Synthese, 196(6), 2323-2340.
- Forster, M., Raskutti, G., Stern, R., & Weinberger, N. (2017). The frugal inference of causal relations. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 69(3), 821-848.
- Weinberger, N. (2015). If intelligence is a cause, it is a within-subjects cause. Theory & Psychology, 25(3), 346-361.
- Hausman, D. M., Stern, R., & Weinberger, N. (2014). Systems without a graphical causal representation. Synthese, 191(8), 1925-1930.
- Weinberger, N. (2014). Evidence-Based Policy: A Practical Guide to Doing it Better, Nancy Cartwright and Jeremy Hardie. Oxford University Press, 2013, ix+ 196 pages. Economics & Philosophy, 30(1), 113-120.
- Barrett, M., Clatterbuck, H., Goldsby, M., Helgeson, C., McLoone, B., Pearce, T., ... & Weinberger, N. (2012). Puzzles for ZFEL, McShea and Brandon’s zero force evolutionary law. Biology & Philosophy, 27(5), 723-735.
- Weinberger, N. (2011). Is There an Empirical Disagreement between Genic and Genotypic Selection Models? A Response to Brandon and Nijhout. Philosophy of Science, 78(2), 225-237.