The aim of the program is to promote the academic careers of women by individually compensating for structural disadvantages. The program adresses female students, doctoral, post-doctoral and habilitation students of Faculty 10.
The need is obvious: Female students are qualified, committed, motivated and innovative. Nevertheless, women in leadership positions and professorships are unfortunately still the exception. A differentiated analysis by grade shows that the higher the grade, the lower the proportion of women. The differences are also serious in the field of philosophy.
The causes often include a lack of networks for young female academics, the lack of targeted support in career planning or a lack of assistance in balancing family and career.
With its mentoring programs, LMU Munich seeks to contribute to counteracting this loss of scientific potential. The previous LMUexcellent Mentoring Program for the promotion of young women was transferred into the current LMU Mentoring Program of Faculty 10 and taking effect on 1 October 2017.