Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

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Application for admission to the LMU Mentoring Program of Faculty 10

Application for admission to the mentoring programme is possible at any time.
Please submit the following application documents via our application portal

  • Name, address and affiliation to Faculty 10
  • Letter of motivation
  • Short academic curriculum vitae
  • List of publications and lectures, if available
  • Short description of the current project (maximum 3 pages), for doctoral candidates short description of the current phase of their doctoral project
Please note that Mentees are asked to approach the respective mentors they would like to have for their mentoring on their own before applying. For mentees in the post-doctoral or habilitation phase, the professors and private lecturers from Faculty 10 are available as mentors; for mentees in the study or doctoral phase, the post-doctoral researchers (Postdoktorand:innen, Habilitand:innen or Akademische Rät:innen) from Faculty 10 are available as mentors.

Funding applications from the LMU Mentoring Program of Faculty 10

The call for funding applications is aimed exclusively at female researchers in their doctoral, postdoctoral or habilitation phase who are members of the LMU Mentoring Programme of Faculty 10 (mentees).

The Faculty promotes a culture of diversity and equal opportunity among its members and therefore strongly encourages participation in the application rounds. The deadlines in each calendar year are:

  • 28 February
  • 30 June
  • 30 September

This does not include applications for student assistant contracts. These are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Application guidelines for download:

Antragsleitfaden Deutsch (PDF, 191 KB)

Antragsleitfaden Englisch/Application Guide (PDF, 189 KB)

Application form for download:

Antragsformular Deutsch (PDF, 117 KB)

Antragsformular Englisch/ Application Form English (PDF, 116 KB)